Monday, July 16, 2012

What I have been up to.

Things have been busy around here the last couple of months or so.  Here are some pics of what we have been up to.

Old picture, I know, but Dave and I celebrated our 20th anniversary and looking back at our wedding photos all I can say is "Wow!!!  We were babies!!!" lol

We are having a drought around here, and everybody, has dead lawns,  I have managed to keep most of my gardens alive and have been having a few visitors.  This hummingbird has been showing up almost everyday just after dinner.

Another one of our children graduated from Grade 8.  This time it was Amanda's turn, and she found a dress in one of her fav colors, PURPLE!!!.  Can't believe how gorgeous and grown up my baby girl is.

Dance with her father.  

And because it was our anniversary I made Dave a card.  Haven't been to the Eiffel tower yet, but perhaps someday we will be able to go there.

And another daily visitor to my container garden.

And Daniel had a couple of of Birthdays, LOL.  First celebration was at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Cool candles that have different colored flames.  How sweet is that!!!

And then another celebration on his actual birthday at home, and we have more cake!!!

Following cake he sits in the birthday person's special chair to open presents.  Not sure how this tradition got started in our house, but we always have the birthday boy or girl sit in this antique Lincoln rocker to open cards and gifts.

And Dave cleaned out the garage, and trust me it needed it badly.  The tile guys cut their tile in the garage last fall/winter and that dust was everywhere, after hosing down the garage our driveway now has a film all over it.  Hopefully it will rain tomorrow like the weather man has said it will and give our plants much needed water and wash the film off the driveway.

And I wandered around my gardens to take pictures of the flowers I have worked hard to keep alive during this drought, dead grass surrounding it all.  LOL

For the first time since I planted my Oak Leaf Hydrangea about 7 years ago, it BLOOMED!!!!  Some of the flowers.  Love it!!

And preceding this hot and dry summer was an very warm and dry winter, and as you can tell our snowblower has not been used in a very long time.  Hopefully this coming winter will bring lots of snow and we can use this puppy again.  I love to have a real Canadian winter again,  with a few good snowstorms where we can't leave the house for a day or two.  So cosy.

Can you tell its 100 degrees outside right now?  LOL

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another Backyard Visitor

We have had another visitor to our backyard.  After dinner we found this cat lurking in the grass of our backyard.  This cat has been seen many times around our house, just never in our backyard.  Which of course has Dalwhinnie just a little upset.  Dalwhinnie was in the backyard at this time.

This is a very friendly cat, so she decided to approach me for some attention.  Regardless of the barking 60 lb dumb blonde between me and her.

Which of course has Dalwhinnie perplexed.

Dalwhinnie ran barking towards said backyard intruder.  Who basically stood her ground, which again has Dalwhinnie puzzled.  "I don't understand, all intruders run from me?"

"Maybe if I sneak around behind it, it will let me smell its butt.......Nope, its not a good idea"

Cat finally leaves our yard and sits just outside the gate, Dalwhinnie continues barking.  Thinking she succeeded in ridding her yard of the intruder.  Cat is probably thinking "Dog, you are SO annoying.  Not worth my time."  LOL

 Cat is still lurking around.  Hopefully it goes back to its home behind us and doesn't stay out all night and becomes fair game for the coyotes.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby Bunny Update

Our nest of baby bunnies is empty.  The Saturday of Mother's Day weekend they left the nest, which also was the day Dave cut the grass again, so the kids were put on Bunny duty making sure none got hurt or run over.  They found 5 out of 6 six hiding in various areas of the backyard. And the babies allowed the kids to pet them and stand close to them.  After which they all went in different directions.  One has decided to stay close by, under our next door neighbour's deck.  Tonight over the dinner hour he/she stayed under our corkscrew willow for a good hour.  I managed to get a couple of shots with my zoom lens.  Trying his best to hide in the tall grass.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Friday, May 25, 2012

First Beach Visit of the Season

Last weekend here in Canada was the Victoria Day long weekend.  And what a gorgeous weekend it was in terms of weather.  Saturday we went for dinner at Dave's parents house, his mom had a birthday and we decided to help celebrate.  And the bonus is they live right on the beach so after dinner and clean up we took the kids to the beach, something they were itching to do all day.

Laura skipping stones just as the sun was setting.  The water was so calm and peaceful.  

And when you mix kids and lake water, you get wet bums, lol.  Our niece Brianna's little wet bum.

Earlier Daniel asked if he could bring his swimsuit and I said no, explained that since its only May the lake will be freezing cold and not fit for swimming.  Little did I realize that kids don't care how cold the water is.    He dunked his head of course.

All three went on a rock/fossil hunt and also the search for the perfect skipping stone and who can skip a stone the farthest.  They even got their youngest cousins in on the stone skipping.

And the results of their rock/fossil hunt, came home with us and added to the collection.

And when we got back to the house it was wash the sand off our feet and of course Basil was there needing some attention which Daniel gladly provided.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog.  Enjoy the weekend.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Rabbit Nursery

Yesterday Amanda and I made a startling discovery in our backyard.  Since it was gorgeous weather yesterday, it was all hands on deck in the gardens to help clean them up a bit and start the prep work for planting later this month.  I was working in the vegetable garden at the back of the property and Amanda came over with some questions about the different trees and plants that we have at the bottom of the hill.  We were talking about the pussy willow that I planted under the Manitoba Maple and I noticed a tuft of bunny fur half way down the hill under the Maple tree.  I touched it and said it appears a rabbit got into a fight and hopefully its ok.  Wasn't too concerned, we always have rabbits in the backyard, Dalwhinnie thinks its an awesome sport to chase them around the yard.  

Well, Dalwhinnie noticed me touching the fur, which got her curiosity piqued.  She started to smell around the area, then got really excited and intent on the area.  Then she would start to jump back every once in awhile, like she does when playing with a snake.  I went to check out what it was about this fur that got her all jumpy.  Moved it back and yelled "Oh my heck!!!  There are baby rabbits under there!!!"  

Amanda ran to get Dave so he and I could brainstorm about how to protect these little critters from Dalwhinnie who now knew where they were.  

Scary thing is Dave cut the lawn the day before, right over them, and didn't hurt a single one!!  So lucky.  The wheel of the lawn mower also missed the nest by a few centimetres.  Lucky rabbits.  LOL

We moved the kiddie picnic table over the nest, put some wood on the seats to prevent Dalwhinnie from getting at the nest but allowing momma rabbit to have access to it for feedings.  Tonight after dance I checked the nest and momma rabbit was on it.  Slowly grabbed the dog and went back in the house, let her feed her babies in peace.  

This afternoon after school the kids and I went to check on the nest.   And it appears to be about six little ones in the nest.  We counted all the little heads and ears that are all cramped in together like one big ball trying to stay warm.  I managed to take a couple of pictures,  hard to see, they are all squished together, but their eyes are almost open.  So cute.  

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Drama Queen

This photo was taken with my iPhone camera.  It is the sight that greeted me this morning when I got out of the shower.  Dalwhinnie milking the fact that her fur was completely shaved off.  Daniel covered her in this blanket when he got up and as you can tell she is quite cozy and comfortable.  LOL  And when Amanda came in to say good morning she pathetically reached out a paw like she was saying "Please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. You must love me, love me nowwwwwwwww"  Did I mention our dog has a flair for drama?  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We Got Ourselves a New Dog

This morning I dropped Dalwhinnie off at the groomer.  This afternoon I picked up an entirely different dog????   

Here is Dalwhinnie last Friday.  Going for that shaggy, unkempt look.  Pretty much the look she was sporting when I dropped her off this morning.

And this is the dog I came back with this afternoon.  A little less furry and I am sure she weighs much less as well.  Groomer said she was pretty bad.  We kind of put it off too long.  I know I know.  Bad dog parents.  LOL

That is a look of trauma of being shaved right down to barely nothing.  At least she got to keep most of her tail.

A Full Easter Weekend

We have had a busy Easter Weekend around here.  And because today is a Tuesday, pretending to be a Monday, I am thoroughly confused.  

Our weekend started on Friday morning, celebrating Dave's birthday.  As is our tradition, the day is started with breakfast in bed and presents.  Followed by a day where the birthday person can relax and enjoy.  It is a chore free day for them.  We ended the day with homemade chili, bread, and coconut cream birthday pie.  All requested by the birthday boy himself.  

Here Dave is trying to "guess" the present by putting it on his head.  LOL  Not sure if worked or not.  He never tells me.  

Saturday was a little more low key, and the kids colored their eggs.  This appears to be a tradition that none of them seem to want to give up, no matter how grown up they are.

Easter Sunday, we had a leisurely morning at home, Daniel and Amanda did their Egg hunt.  Laura is too old for it now, but she had fun helping to hide all the eggs.  All three kids gorged themselves on chocolate at lunchtime, just before we all loaded up the van, went to Woodstock to pick up my mom and then on to Sarnia to get together with Dave's family for Easter and to celebrate Dave's & my Mom's (hers will be tomorrow) Birthday.  And to eat more chocolate and drink pop, and eat cake and more sugar and more sugar.

This is Dave's birthday cake.  From what I understand a lady in Dad's church, her daughter made it. (right???)  It appears to be a guitar shaped cake pan was used and she made it too look like a telescope and the night sky complete with a moon.  Beautifully done.  And the cake was quite tasty too.

Since we had all  five of the Jenkins siblings actually in the same house at the same time, and it has been awhile since they had a group shot and since the picture on mom's fridge of them is very very small, especially next to all the enormous pictures of the grandchildren.  We decided to line 'em up and take some pictures.

Here is Dave and Greg waiting for the sisters to show up.  Aren't they a cute pair.  Can you tell who is the serious Anglican priest?

Here they are, and nope, you cannot tell at all that they are brothers and sisters.  No way.

After some good shots, well........things went downhill after that.

Jersey Shore anyone?

Poor Mac, pouting in his cage.  It was dinner time and he had to be separated from the food.

My adorable youngest niece, ( I do have more adorable nieces,  two are out west, and the others are pretty much all grown up)  As you can tell poor Brianna developed a case of pink eye over the course of the afternoon/evening.  She was in good spirits overall, just the red puffy eye.  Still a cutie no matter what.

Dave, getting ready to open presents and more  importantly EAT CAKE!!!!

And of course Cindy remained on her perch the whole time expecting to be catered to  and loved by all who passed by.

 And yesterday, Monday, I have no pictures, we slept in, did laundry and caught up on things around the house and at work or school.  And those 3 dozen eggs that got colored on Saturday, I made them in to Devilled Eggs.  Yummmmm

I hope everybody had a fabulous weekend as well with friends family and laughter.